Saturday, January 3, 2009

Free Falling

This is just going to be a free write tonight. I'm off to see the Tom Cruise flick Valkyrie pretty soon. From my previous posts, one would think I am an alcoholic! I assure you, I am not. I don't drink much at all these days. I just don't have the desire. An occasional beer here or there. My party days are long since past.

I used to write all the time when I was younger, but I stopped writing anything consistent about eight years ago. I always vowed to get back to it, but time and other priorities usually interfered. So in a sense, this is like an on-line journal that anyone can read. I still hope to write that "great American novel" one day, and I have the whole plot in my head. I just have to translate it onto page. It's a crazy idea, one I'm pretty sure hasn't been done before, and I will be labeled as crazy for even attempting it. Maybe this year...

I got a lot done today. All the outside Christmas lights are packed up and awaiting transport up to the attic. We have these weird prickly balls that fall from our trees all over our yard so I started to rake those up. We had a nice dinner from Olive Garden. We actually ordered take-out. This is probably very boring for anyone reading this, but what the hell, it's a free write, right? For those who know me, is there anything you want me to write about? Let me know!

Sneak peaks for the future: Why I love Lost, Hosha, Pass It On, my feelings about Israel-Hamas, and much much more!

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