Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sometime Around Midnight

The other day I heard this really awesome song. I didn't know who sang it or what the name of it was. In my youth, I wouldn't have found out for a long time. Now I can just go to the radio station's website, look at a list of the last few songs played, and figure it out. So the song was "Sometime Around Midnight" by a band called Airborn Toxic Event. It reminded me of a mix between U2 and Bauhaus! In the song a guy goes to a bar, finds a woman who plays with his head, and then leaves with another guy.

I love songs that tell stories. Song lyrics can say so many different things, but ones that tell stories are my favorites. Songs like "American Pie" or "November Rain" or "A Day In The Life". They all tell a story. And they all involve some aspect of life.

I know I said I was going to blog every day. Obviously that has been shot to hell! It's been a weird couple of weeks. Work has been insane, and the weather has been crazy (for Delaware that is). I also joined the local Y and have been making pitiful attempts at exercising (once again, blame Mother Nature). But hey, that's life!

1 comment:

  1. Sometime Around Midnight was the title of my first blog for 2009. I heard the song in Spain during New Years Eve and you are right, its a classic. Funny you mentioned hearing a song on the radio and finding it that way. I cant tell you the last time I listened to the Radio for music. So many different ways to find music or for that music to find you right now.

    Have you ever listened to Check it out, punch in Sometime Around Midnight and you will hear songs just like it. Another way to find great, new music.

    Take care,
